meet our animals
Nubian Goats
When choosing a goat breed, we decided on Nubians. They are a larger breed of goats and have a calm demeanor.

Our Nubians are an all around great breed of goat. I love that they are calm, don’t jump fences and love attention. Their milk offers a high milk fat content and you can get upwards of a gallon a day from a good milking animal. I believe they are the most beautiful and elegant of all goat breeds. They are a great dual purpose animal. Their milk and meat are exemptional.
They graze on pastures of grass and clover all day. In the warmer months we don’t supplement any feed, we only offer fresh water and mineral licks. They are very sustainable animals. In the very cold months, during pregnancy or when they are nursing their kids we will offer hay and sweet grain.
Eggs/Chicken Soup
Laying Hens
We keep a variety of different hen breeds so we can offer a variety of egg colors in every carton.

Our laying hens live a truly free range life. They live the whole of their lives on green pastures never ever being contained in houses. They are free to go in and out of their shelter whenever they like and have free range of six whole acres of beautiful pasture. Foraging on fresh greens, bugs and whatever else they might find. We also give them a high quality Ration of non-gmo grains. Grown, harvested and milled by local farmers in the heart of Lancaster county.
We raise and keep a variety of laying hen breeds because we love the rainbow of colors in every dozen of eggs. The beautiful golden yolks of our hen’s eggs are nutrient dense due to the quality of their environment and natural living. We raise them the way it was intended. It brings us such great joy to see such happy animals living each day to the fullest.
Red Ranger(Meat Chickens)
We raise a slow growing meat bird which results in a much more nutrient dense and flavorful meat.

We have made it our prerogative to bring high quality, flavorful and nutrient rich foods to your table. This is why after many years of raising a variety of meat birds we have chosen the Freedom ranger breed, AKA red ranger. We raise them for 12 to 15 weeks verses 6 to 8 weeks of commercial grown Cornish cross. They are great rangers and rotated on fresh pasture continually. They love foraging all day in the sunshine and munching on fresh greens. Unlike the Cornish cross that prefer a stationary life, in front of feeders and never moving more than needed. The lifestyle of our freedom rangers result in an amazing and healthy product for you and your family. It feels good knowing they have been raised with great care and consideration not only for the animal but for the environment as well.
We have fresh chicken available from May through October, we process weekly in warmer weather. They are always processed on farm, in a humane matter, preventing undue stress to the animal. We have frozen chicken available for most the year while supplies last. We offer Whole birds and parts.
Pekin Ducks
Raising only a few small flocks annually.

We raise a few small flocks of pekin ducks annually for meat as well as eggs. These large white domestic ducks are exemptional at foraging without destroying pasture. Their eggs are jumbo with a large, rich, dark orange yolk. Great for baking or as a nice alternative to chicken eggs.
Our ducks offer a much leaner, less greasy meat compared to store bought duck but without compromising flavor. A dark meat delicacy.
Muscovy Ducks
It's not a duck or a goose, it's a muscovy

This unique species of waterfowl is neither a Goose or a duck at all. Making up it’s own species of waterfowl. Although it can have offspring with ducks, the offspring will be “mules” unable to reproduce. They are a quiet and peaceful waterfowl. As they mature their faces around their bills and eyes become bare and “warty” in appearance. At one time people referred to them as weeder ducks, being known and hired to weed and defend against pests in personal vegetable gardens.
These are exceptional birds when it comes to meat. Their meat is unlike any other, lean and dark. Prepared properly it could be easily mistaken for a very tender cut of beef. We only raise one flock of these special birds yearly and supplies are limited. Contact us for availability.
A much consumed meat through out history and there is a good reason why.

Through out history rabbit has been hunted and raised domestically for it’s many uses. Rabbits are a great dual purpose animal offering a lean delicious meat as well as warm soft pelts for hats, gloves and garments.
In more recent years people are also raising Rabbits as pets. If handled enough they make quiet and calm pets. Not as many people consume rabbit anymore but it is making a comeback. It’s a lean and healthy alternative to chicken and can be very sustainable.
By far my favorite birds to raise.

I thoroughly enjoy raising turkeys, They are my favorite breed of domesticated poultry. They are sociable and friendly giants and I love how they sound. I can pick them up and hold them and they don’t mind too much. I only have one bad day a year raising these birds. In spite of rumors you may have heard, they don’t drown themselves in the rain. They are curious fearless birds, that sometimes gets them in trouble.
At this time we only offer them for Thanksgiving, only raising between 40 to 80 birds per year. They are raised on pasture 24/7 grazing on fresh grasses and clover. Living a wonderful and stress free life. You can hear them “singing” all day while foraging. We supplement their diets with a high protein Non-GMO feed, grown and milled in Lancaster Pa. We offer them fresh for the week of Thanksgiving. Processed humanly by us on farm. We do require deposits / orders ahead of time, and usually don’t have any extras by Thanksgiving, please contact us for inquiries.
A smaller game bird, In the pheasant family

Chukars are a game bird larger than a quail but smaller than a pheasant. Laying eggs beige in color with pink speckles. They are relatively new to our farm.
Chukars are kept for mainly for meat only, laying a small amount of eggs each season. Their meat is very similar to a quail’s in flavor and texture but dressing out at about a pound a piece, verses quail at around 1/3 to 1/2 of a pound each.
One of the most versatile meats

I love the variety of products and cuts that a pig provides. From bacon to hams to chops. You can use just about every part for something. Even the fat of the animal can be saved and rendered for future use, and such an amazingly healthy alternative to vegetable oils, it’s also great for natural soap making. You can even save the skin of the animal for delicious fresh cracklings.
Here at faithful friends farm we only raise a small amount of pigs yearly. We typically grow them from summer until early winter. We only sell 1/4, 1/2 or whole animals and they must be pre-ordered. Deposits are required at the time of ordering. We do it all, from start to finish, offering custom cuts. We will be raising them on rotational pasture this year, in the past we raised them in the woods but in a stationary spot. They are able to root for bugs and do what pigs do best. Please contact us for inquiries.
A small game bird in the pheasant family. Still found in the wild in many places in the world.

We choose to raise the coturnix breed of quail, it’s best choice for our farm. They are a small high energy bird. They are very good layers, laying an egg almost daily during the warmer months. Their eggs are very small, tan in color with dark brown speckles. We hatch, raise and process these on farm.
These birds not only offer eggs daily but also offer a flavorful, delicious meat, a true delicacy. Dressing out between 5 to 8 ounces each.
watch dogs in poultry form

Guinea fowl originated in Africa. They are a unique looking bird. Many color varieties exist, we raise pearl guineas. They are gray with white spots, bald white heads with a little “horn”. They are “watch dogs” and have a very loud call when they see what they perceive as a threat. Watching out not only after themselves but the whole flock. They are also great when it comes to eating a great amount of ticks yearly.
I can’t say enough positive things about our guinea fowl, we always keep a small flock as permanent “pets”, watching out over our flock and alarming us and our dogs to any threats. We also raise a larger flock for meat. If you love dark meat, this is the bird for you. Offering one of the darkest poultry meats available. If you’ve ordered pheasant at a restaurant chances are it could of been guinea, as many times it is used as a substitute for pheasant due to its much larger size.
Livestock Guardian Dogs/Loyal Companions
Great Pyrenees
Our pyrenees are amazing dogs and one of the most important attributes to our farm.

Great Pyrenees or Pyrenean mountain dogs are one of the oldest traceable breed of dog. Originally bred as guardian dogs for sheep and goats in the Pyrenees mountain range, on the French side. They are great with any type and size of livestock, from chicks to goats. They are fearless protectors and will defend with their lives. They are also great with people and small children.
Our Pyrenees, Barnabas and Bailey are two of the most important attributes to our farm. I probably wouldn’t have any poultry left alive without these two. They keep all the predators away from our animals. They patrol the 6 acres of pasture where most of our animals are kept. They are made for this and they love their lives. They are very happy and fulfilled in doing what they were bred to do. It’s a wonderful sight to see, watching these two do their duties. We also get daily snuggles and kisses from these sweethearts.
Rodent Control/Cute Furballs
Felis Catus(Cat)
Our farm cats have an important job to do besides being adorable.

Unless you are familiar with farms it’s hard to imagine how extremely useful a good barn cat is. Livestock or the feeding of livestock tends to attract rodents. Without cats that are good mousers, a farm can be overrun with rodents very quickly. Barn cats are a very necessary part of our farm.
We are very thankful for our 4 farm cats. Stormy, Pumpkin, Hunter and Wildcat aka Orangie. Our cats are not only great mousers but great cuddliers as well. We are very fortunate to have cats with such great personalities. We no longer have any issues with rodents. Rodents are not only destructive but carry certain diseases that can make poultry and other livestock ill.
Some Cool Facts
Numbers Speak For Themselves
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We Love Nature
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It Is a Gift
Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt. Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem. Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa.