I wanted to take a moment to thank you all for the love, support and help we received from you in this last week. I have been so humbled by it all. Our community really pulled together showed what they are made of… I’m in awe. Many of you had electrical losses, storm damage and your own problems, but even so, you helped us anyway. There is no way I could ever thank you enough. This just encourages me that much more to continue, strongly, to be a blessing to the community, and continue to raise nutritionally and humanely raised products. It makes me feel great to be a part of such a wonderful community. Many of you shared wisdom, helped us with manual labor, lent us and gave us supplies, took your time to pray for us, shared our story, stopped in to check on us and to give us much needed encouragement. Many of you also donated, financially. Thanks to all of you, we are getting back on our feet and working at this day to day to once again be where we need to be.
I think my friend Wendy Sue Massey is going arrange a volunteer work day with us next week, if you want to help us build and put together several new chicken houses. Please contact her if you’d like to volunteer. You all turned this curse into a blessing, you helped turn bad into good.
Please continue to pray for my mom, she is still in the hospital due to complications from her cancer, her name is libbie. Also please continue to pray for Robert, this last month or so has been difficult with his MS. I know prayer works. Thank you all so much for everything and God bless you.

UPDATE 8-10-23:
We are out of power again but now I have internet again?! I’m not sure how long service will last. We had many people come by today to help us clean up all the Debris. I also have had several people stop and give financial help. I am truly blessed to have all of you, I feel like a very blessed lady even in the midst of this all. We have such an amazing community of people. While I have service im going to try thanking you all individually.
I wanted to give everyone a new update. Last night we had several friends and neighbors come by to help us. We were able to repair the three sets of fences. Our one friend cut up the tree at Jordan’s pasture, the one that came down the horses, so now that pasture is again in working order. We have two dangling branches on two trees that we will need to take care of. We also still have to remove all the branches and trees on the ground. I was able to temporarily rig a few waters and feeders, using bricks, for my homeless chickens. I do have two out of five houses that are still usable, with only minor damages. We decided we will throw up a temporary fence around the chickens, open up the two chicken houses, even though they can’t be pulled in their condition, they can still provide shelter. That way the chickens without houses, feeders and waters will have all those things. We will just need to refill several times a day.
It’s just been a whirlwind and everything happened so quick and unexpectedly. I’m so thankful for all of you who have offered help, expressed your love, kindness and have prayed for us. Thank you also to those of you who have been able to help us financially. Just the replacement of the feeders and water will cost about 1,500. And it’s tight right now, I appreciate it more than you know. Our cousin did set up a go fund me, I shared it here on my page. My sister-in-law also shared my Venmo in the comments of the last post. Thanks to all of you, I know it’ll all be ok.