Do you know the benefits of buying free-range, pasture-raised, non-GMO eggs? It may surprise you!
Here are 10 reasons to buy these eggs:
- Higher nutrient content: Pasture-raised non-GMO eggs free range are more nutritious than conventional eggs, containing higher levels of vitamins, minerals, and omega-3 fatty acids.
- Better taste: Pasture-raised non-GMO eggs free range have a richer and more complex flavor profile, with a deeper yellow yolk and firmer white.
- Improved animal welfare: By buying pasture-raised non-GMO eggs free range, you are supporting farmers who prioritize the welfare of their animals, allowing them to live in natural and humane conditions.
- Sustainable farming: Pasture-raised non-GMO eggs free range come from farms that use sustainable and environmentally friendly practices, such as rotational grazing, reducing the carbon footprint.
- No hormones or antibiotics: Pasture-raised non-GMO eggs free range are produced without the use of hormones or antibiotics, which is better for the health of the chickens and for consumers.
- Lower risk of foodborne illness: Chickens that are allowed to roam outside in natural environments have a lower risk of carrying and transmitting diseases, which can lower the risk of foodborne illness.
- Support for local farmers: By buying pasture-raised non-GMO eggs free range, you are supporting local farmers who often have a smaller carbon footprint and are an integral part of the community.
- Reduced environmental impact: Pasture-raised non-GMO eggs free range come from farms that prioritize sustainability and use less fossil fuel-intensive machinery and transportation.
- Non-GMO feed: Pasture-raised non-GMO free-range eggs are produced using feed that is free from genetically modified organisms (GMOs), which can be important to some consumers who are concerned about the environmental and health impacts of GMOs.
- Better for the soil: Pasture-raised non-GMO eggs free range are produced using rotational grazing practices, which can help to build healthier and more fertile soil, promoting better crop growth and environmental health.

Oh, and did we mention that each carton has a beautiful assortment of colors!
If you want meat or any other products we are open on Saturdays from 12 pm to 4 pm, or we can set up a time for you to come during the week.
Thank you, and please don’t be shy, stop by!
Faithful Friends Farm
4625 Old Hanover Rd.
Westminster, Md 21158
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